InterChampion, Champion CZ and Poland, Club Champion
KCHBO, Junior Champion CZ, Nationally Winner, 3x CACIB, etc
DIGIT Stříbrný rybník (CZ)
exam. IPO1, SchH1, ZM, ZVV1, ZOP, ZPU 1-2, BH, VZ1, ZZZ, RH-E, ZPO1,
HD/A, PRA/C neg.,
char.test 100+A+O1N
noir heterozygot
Selection, Champion CZ, SK, PL, Club Champion
KCHBO and KCHPBO, Junior Champion CZ, Grand Champion SK, 2x Club Winner, 2x Nationally Winner,
6x CACIB....
Lubanja´s VISION (BELG)
exam. ZOP, ZPU1, ZZO
HD/A, PRA/C neg., char.test 96/100,
fauve heterozygot
Junior Champion of Luxembourg
TÜRKE v.d.Leienevel
HD/A, exam. GP1, fauve homozygot |
r.CAC, r.CACIB, Jun.W., BOB, r.BIS
QREOLE de la Quiévre
HD/A, fauve |
Selection, Champion CZ, Club Champion KCHBO
s. AGIRA Stříbrný rybník (CZ)
exam. ZOP, ZPU1, ZZZ, RH-E, VZ1, BH, ZM
HD/A, PRA/C neg., char.test 98+O,
noir homozygot
Champion CZ, Club Winner, CACIB
AKELA Brabant (CZ)
HD/A, noir |
Champion CZ, Nat.Winner
FIAMMA z Černé hlásky (CZ)
exam. ZOP, ZPU1, ZM, ZVV1 |
Selection, Elite A
Champion CZ, SK, PL
Junior Champion CZ
Veteran Champion CZ
4x BOB, 4x CACIB, ...
s. P.E.
imported from DK
exams. ZOP, ZPU1, char.test 96+A,
HD/A, PRA/C neg.
Belsique´s VACCO
exam. Agility III, 3x participant of Danish Masterships (5th.+6th+8th
RH-CF, K-Proeve, HP-Proeve
HD/A, groenendael
Champion of Danemark, CACIB
BLACK BOY du Périgord Vert
exam. UHP, HD/A, groenendael |
HD/A, groenendael |
FCI World Junior Champion 1995, VDH Europa
Junior Champion
Bjarkarima NADINE (DK)
HD/A, groenendael |
Ozo Black´s ENGEL (DK)
HD/A, groenendael |
QUALEEN de la Quiévre (BELG), groenendael |
click to the name of forefather to see his/her photogallery