PEDIGREE - "C2" litter

Selected at France (s.r.)
InterChampion FCI
Several times Exc. with placement at Nationale d´Elevage France

s.r. OURAGAN du Parc de Pathyvel (FR)

French Working Champion - Pistage
Regionally Champion
Mondioring III + Sélectifs
RCI3, Campagne 350,
FCI Pistage 3, Pistage ID-PJ
Agility,  Obedience II,  fr.Ring 1,
TATD, TAN Champ.Exc.Plus
noir heterozygot

Selected France
InterChampion FCI
s.r. FENRIS du Domaine d´Eole (FR)
RCI 1 (IPO1)
HD/A, groenendael heterozygot
Champion of France, Elite A of France
Working Champion of France (Pistage)
R.E. TYRAME du Buguet Haut
Brevet Ring+Défence, Pistage PJ+ID+C
HD/A, fauve tervueren
Elite A of France
R.E. VELBA de la Grande Lande
Brevet Ring, HD/A, groenendael

s.r. LAKME du Parc de Pathyvel (FR)
HD/A, groenendael

s.r. HADJY du Parc de Pathyvel (FR)
HD/A, groenendael
Elite A of France
R.E. CAREEN du Parc de Pathyvel
HD/A, tervueren fauve (dcera Tyrama)
Selected at France (s.r.)
Champion of CZ + SK + PL
Club Champion KBB + KCHBO
Club Winner of Hungary 2002
BIS Baby, BIS Junior

s.r.Bjarkarima VEGA  

examinations  ZZZ, ZLP1, RH-E, FPr1, ZOP, ZPU1, BH, ZZO, VZ1, CSAU, SA1, LA1, LJ1, LA2, LJ2
Canisterapeutic examination
char.test 100/100, TAN
HD/A, ED 0/0, PRA/C neg.
fauve homozygot
3x CK

DUC z Kovárny (CZ)

HD/B, ED 0/0. fauve
Champion of Danemark + Czech Rep., Club Champion, Vizeeuropa Champion, Working Champion, 11x Working Master
Bjarkarima LOKE (DK)
12 examinations + Agility, HD/B, fauve heterozygot
Champion of Czech Rep. + Poland, Club Ch., 5x CACIB,...
ATREY z Kovárny (CZ)
exam. ZOP, ZPU1, HD/A, fauve homozygot
Champion of Danemark

Bjarkarima QUELLA (DK)

HD/A, fauve 
Champion of Belgium, World Champ., MultiChamp., Elite A FR
R.E.MILLO v.d.Hoge Laer (BELG)
examinations IPO3, HD/A, fauve
Bjarkarima LUNA
HD/A,  fauve