Champion of Germany (VDH)
Champion of Czech Republic
5x BOB, 6x CACIB, 4x res.CACIB, 8x CAC,
6x res.CAC, Jugendsieger, Herbstsieger 2006
ANTHONY du Domaine des Chodes
examinations: IPO3, BH, Agility 1
HD/A2, PRA/C neg.
InterChampion, Champion of Netherland
8x CACIB, Selection of Work (p.W.) and beauty (p.E.)
p.W.p.E. GOLAN
v.d.Wielander (NL)
IPO3 (287pts.), G&G3, VZH. UV, RH-G
HD Tc = B
Champion of Luxembourg
CHAKA v.d.Lamar (NL)
HD Tc = B, fauve |
CHANOU v.d.Wielander
G&G, HD Tc=B, fauve
(daughter of p.W.Osca v.Astrita-Hof - IPO2, UV, VZH) |
des Gardians Fauves (Belg)
des Gardians Fauves (Belg.)
(son of Fegor de
la Belle Edita - IPO3) |
des Gardians Fauves (belg.)
(daughter of
Belg.Ch.Owen du Domaine Ponti - IPO2) |
Champion CZ, PL, Club Champion KCHBO and KBB,
4x BOB, 6x CACIB, 2x res.CACIB, 10x CAC, CACA, 3x CWC, 5x ČKŠ, 2x
Regionally Winner, Winner of the show, Best female
ADINA z Kovárny (CZ)
HD/A, PRA/C neg.,
ZOP, ZPU1, ZZO, BH, VZ1, char.test 100/100
fauve heterozygot
Selection, Champion CZ, SK, PL, Club
Champion KCHBO and
KCHPBO, Junior
Champion CZ, Grand Champion SK, 2x Club Winner, 2x Nationally Winner,
s.Lubanja´s VISION (BELG)
PT 96, soc.test Fr., ZOP, ZPU1, ZZO
HD/A, PRA/C neg., fauve heterozygot
Luxembourg Junior Champion, 3x Junior Win. at Belg.
TÜRKE v.d.Leienevel (BELG)
exam. GP1, HD/A, fauve homozygot
Junior Winner+BOB+BIS Junior+ res.CAC+res.CACIB
QREOLE de la Quiévre (BELG),
fauve heterozygot
Elite A CZ
Selection, Champion CZ, SK, PL, Club.Champion KCHBO,
Club + Nationally Winner, 5x CACIB....
The best breeding female of CZ 2002+2003
s.ADINA Mlynský
Ostrov (SK)
exam. ZOP, char.test 98/100
HD/A, PRA/C neg. fauve homozygot
Champion CZ, CACIB...
CLARK Mateo (CZ), fauve heterozygot |
Champion CZ, PL, Club KCHBO, Winner of speciality,
Nationally Winner, 5x CACIB
ATREY z Kovárny (CZ)
ZOP, ZPU1, HD/A, fauve (probably homozygot) |
click to the name of forefather to see his/her photogallery