Elite A - R.E. (Fr.), Sujet Reccomandé Fr.
Champion of Monaco,  Champion USA
Grand Champion USA, Register of Merit
many times CAC-CACIB-BOB 
The best stud of three years at France, one from the best stud males at whole world

R.E. GOUROU du Crépuscule des Loups (FR)

HD/A, ED+PRA/C neg., fauve heteroz.

Elite A, Sujet Reccomandé, European Champion, Champion of France and Luxembourg, many times CACIB-BOB, famous stud
R.E. ÁRES du Bois du Tót (FR)
TAN Champ.Exc.+, HD/A, gris
s.r.SAMOUR de la Javottiére de Corberon
 HD/A, fauve
R.e. TEKSA du Sart des Bois (FR), HD/A, fauve

exc. - Nat.d´Elevage
ESY du Crépuscule des Loups (FR)
HD/A, fauve

CACIB CAPRICE des Hauts de Biévre (FR) 
HD/A, fauve
ANITA du Clos du Cher (FR)
Champion CZ + SK
Junior Champion CZ
Veteran Champion CZ
Club Champion KCHPBO,  3x Club Winner, many CAC,CACIB, BOB,
2x Exc.1st at Mondiale Berger Belge..

ELEANOR z Kovárny

char.test 96/100, CSAU, fauve heterozygot
HD/C, ED 0/0,  PRA/C neg., 
Belgian Junior Winner
TARASS de la Quiévre (BELG)
HD/B, gris
MultiChampion, European Champion
R.E.KADOUR de la Quiévre (BELG)
HD/A,  groenendael
FRIPPOUILLE de d´Artamas (FR), groenendael
Elite A CZ
Selection, Champion CZ + SK + PL, Club.Champion, Club Winner, Nationally Winner, 5xCACIB...
The best breeding female of several years at CZ
s.ADINA Mlynský Ostrov (SK)
char.test 98/100, ZOP, HD/A, PRA/C neg.
fauve homozygot
Champion CZ, 2x CACIB...
(CZ), fauve heterozygot
Champion CZ + PL + Club Champion, 5x CACIB..
ATREY z Kovárny
ZOP, ZPU1, HD/A, fauve homozygot
  click to the name of forefather to see his/her photogallery