Selected NL (p.E.)
res.VDH-Cha- Club show DKBS-Germany (open cl)
Exc.1st & Exc.4th - Mondiale Berger Belge,
Exc.3rd - Club show of Belgium
Exc.+ - Club show NVBH, Exc.- N.E. France

p.E. JUVELL OR NA v.Moned

Character test Sociaal Plus
CSAU Exc., TAN Championaat Excellent Plus
EG, VEG, Agility beginner & Advanced
HD/A, fauve homozygot

Elite A NL
NASH du Bois du Tót
HD/A, fauve

Champion USA (UKC)
R.E. HADES du Bois du Tót (FR), HD/A, fauve
s.r. ITCHY du Soleil d´Automne (FR)
HD/A, fauve

Elite A NL
res.CACIB, 2x res.CAC
ORPHÉE v.Schagerwaard (NL)
HD/A, fauve

CACIB R.e. DAY DREEM de Condivicnum (FR), HD/A, fauve
EEFRIE v.Schagerwaard
(NL), HD/Tc=B, fauve
Grand Champion SK
Champion CZ, Champion SK
Club Champion KCHBO
Club Champion KBB
Club Champion KCHPBO (SK)
BIS Junior - Speciality, BOB, 4x CACIB, Nationally Winner, etc...

ARNICA Ráj pod Zvičinou

HD/A, DLK 0/0, PRA/C neg., 
FPr3, ZZZ, VZ2, ZPU1, ZOP, ZZO, BH,  SA1, LA2, LJ1, PT85
Club working Champion
fauve heterozygot
Selection, Champion CZ, SK,  PL, Club Champion  KCHBO and KCHPBO, Grand Champion SK, Veteran Champion CZ, Junior Champion CZ,  2x Club Winner, 2x Nationally Winner, many CACIB, BOB

s.Lubanja´s VISION

PT 96, soc.test Fr., ZOP, ZPU1, ZZO
HD/A, PRA/C neg., fauve heterozygot
Luxembourg Junior Champion, 3x Junior Win. at Belg.
TÜRKE v.d.Leienevel (BELG)
exam. GP1, HD/A, fauve homozygot

Junior Winner+BOB+BIS Junior+ res.CAC+res.CACIB 
QREOLE de la Quiévre
(BELG), HD/A, fauve heterozygot

Regionally Winner

EXA od Kačky

exam. ZOP, HD/A
fauve homozygot
Champion CZ and SK, Nat.Winner,BOB, 2xr.CACIB
ENRICO Rudolfovská skála
SVV1, ZM, SOP, PT98, HD/A, PRA/C neg., fauve
Champion CS, Club Winner, CACIB, BOB, BIS
ÁTRA ze Šmelcovny (CZ)
click to the name of forefather to see his/her photogallery