Shows -  Ivanhoe

Shows of Ivanhoe z Kovárny ...

Details of show results:

date type, place
class result judge
11.06.2016 National, Klatovy, CZ Open Very Good 2nd Dick Rutten, NL
17.04.2016 Club show KCHBO, Mladá Boleslav, CZ Open Very Good Mary Grove, UK
16.04.2016 Specialty, Mladá Boleslav, CZ Open Excellent 4th Benoit Thévenon, F
26.09.2015 Specialty, Ratenice, CZ Open Excellent Emanuele Borriero, It
18.08.2013 International, Mechelen, Belgium Puppy Promising Lochs-Roman

Glossary (classes)

Baby - Baby class
Puppy - Puppy class
Jun. - Junior class
Int. - Intermediate (Youth) class
Open - Open class
Work. - Working class
Win. - Winners class
Champ. - Champion class
Vet. - Veteran class
Hon. - Honorary class