Shows of Eleanor z Kovárny...
Eleanor is:
- Junior Champion of Czech Republic
- Champion of Slovakia
- Champion of Czech Republic
- Club Champion KCHPBO - SK
- Veteran Champion of Czech Republic
- Veteran Champion of Slovakia
- BIS - Club show SK 2001, 5x BIS Veteran - Club show SK 2008 + Club show CZ 2008 + Specialty CZ 2009 + World show for BSD 2009 + Club show SK 2010, Club Winner SK 1999 + 2001, Club Winner KCHBO 1999, Best female (+BOB) of Club show KBB 1999, 4x BOB, 3x CACIB, 7x r.CACIB, 5x CAC-SK, 9x CAC-CZ, 2x CWC-PL, CACA, 4x res.CAC-CZ, res.CAC-SK, 5x CAJC...
- Excellent 3rd - Nationale d´Elevage Belgium 1998 (junior class), Excellent - Nationale d´Elevage France 1999 (open class, almost 100 females) and Excellent 7th - Nationale d´Elevage France 2002 (champion class), 2x Excellent 1st - Mondiale Berger Belge (2002 France, 2003 Belgium)
In a TOP-TEN competition of BSD in CZ she became:
- Best young Tervueren female of 1998
- Best adult Tervueren female of 1999
- 4th best adult Tervueren female of 2000
- 6th best adult Tervueren female of 2001+2002 (shown only few times)
- 5th best adult Tervueren female of 2003 (shown only few times)
- 2004 was not shown in CZ
- 2nd best veteran Tervueren female of 2005
- 2006 + 2007 was not shown in CZ
- Best veteran Tervueren female and 2nd best veteran BSD female of 2008 (55 pts)