E - litter, DOB 01.04.1998

Selected CZ (s.)
Club Champion KCHBO
The best Groenendael and The best Belgian shepherd of CZ 2002
res.BIS - Club show, many times CAC-CACIB-BOB

s. FAWENN BLACK z Kovárny

examinations ZOP, PT 100
HD/A, PRA/C neg.
groenendael homozygot

Selected CZ, Grand Champion SK
Champion CZ + SK + PL, Club Champion KCHBO + KCHPBO, 25x CACIB, 10x Club and Speciality Winner, The most winning Groenendael in all history of CZ and SK, The best stud of CZ and SK 1998-2002
s.BLACK BINT z Kovárny
examinations ZOP, ZVOP, VZ1, PT100
HD/A, PRA/C neg., groenendael heterozygot
Elite A NL and France, World+Europ.Champion
MultiChampion, 25x CACIB..
R.E. BUDDY v.Lana´s Hof
TAN, HD/Tc=B, groenendael heterozygot
PT 97, HD/A, groenendael
Elite A CZ, Champion CZ + SK + PL, Junior Champion CZ, BOB from speciality
P.E. s. Bjarkarima SIBILJA
examinations ZOP, ZPU1, PT 96/A
HD/A, PRA/C neg., groenendael heterozygot
Belsique´s VACCO
Agility 3, 3x participant of Danish Masterships,
RH-CF, K-Proeve, HP-Proeve
HD/A, groenendael
World Junior Champion, VDH Eur.Jun.Champ, CAC BOB
Bjarkarima NADINE, HD/A, groenendael
Selected CZ (s.), Champion CZ, Club Winner, Club Champion KCHBO, res.CACIB

s. AGIRA Stříbrný rybník

examinations ZOP, ZPU1, ZM, ZZZ,
RH-E, VZ1, BH, PT 97/O
HD/A, PRA/C neg., groenendael

Champion CZ, Club Winner
AKELA Brabant
HD/A, groenendael
Champion, Nationally Winner
Oud-Sabbinge KEVIN V.DORADO, groenendael
Regionally Winner
ANET Lenako, recesivní groenendael
Champion CZ, Nationally Winner
FIAMMA z Černé hlásky
Winner of defence practice
Champion CZ
Defensor TARZAN, groenendael
CWC, Winner of Poland, Regionally Winner
AKY z Černé hlásky, groenendael